The School Governing Body

Strategic Role: working with the leadership team within the school, the governors agree and recommend areas for improvement and development. We ensure that strategies, policies and procedures are in place to meet these developments. These are then documented in 'The School Development Plan'.

Monitoring & Support: we monitor the performance of the school against the School Development Plan by attending meetings and asking questions, receiving reports and other key documents and by visiting the school. We celebrate the successes of the school.

Accountability: the Governing Body has responsibility to oversee the performance of the school.

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Abbreviated Summary (March 2025):

Name of Governor Governor Category Appointing Body Term of Office Governing Body Position / Committee Attendance for
23/24 Ac. Year
Brearey, Mr Dan Head Teacher By virtue of office 02/03/20 All committees 100%
Evans, Mrs Chantelle Co-opted Staff Staff 19/06/23 - 18/06/27 T&L 100%
Hanson, Mr Roger Foundation DBE 30/01/24 - 29/01/28 T&L 33%
Johnson, Mrs Alison LA LA/GB 01/03/24 - 29/02/28 T&L 100%
Jones, Mr Matt* Parent Parents 02/03/20 - 29/02/28 Resigned -
Kercher, Ms Eleanor Foundation DBE 06/07/23 - 05/07/27 T&L 33%
Mason, Mr Paul Foundation DBE 01/03/24 - 29/02/28 Chair of GB, Safeguarding Link, All Committees 100%
Rowland, Mr Stephen Foundation PCC 01/03/24 - 29/02/28 Chair of T&L 33%
Shepherd, Mr Alex* Co-opted Assoc Parents 19/06/23 - 18/06/27 F&R 83%
Turner, Mr John Co-opted GB 20/06/22 - 19/06/26 Chair of F&R 100%
Wallin, Mrs Nicola Staff Staff 19/06/23 - 18/06/27 T&L 67%
Adye-Rowe, Mr Alan Parent 21/02/25 - 21/01/29 F&R N/A
Martin, Anne Foundation DBE 21/02/25 - 21/01/29 T&L N/A
Allen, Jessica Parent 21/02/25 - 21/01/29 T&L N/A

* Denotes Governor is currently a parent of children at school

Attendance: Attendance covers full GB and committee meetings 2023-24 during which there will be: 4 GB meetings and 8 Committee meetings. Committees include the Teaching & Learning Committee and the Finance & Resources Committee.